- Sold by the dozen
- Crinkle finish latex palm coating
- Pre-curved, ergonomic fit
The HiVis Ergo Glove is a lightweight string knit glove with a pre-curved, ergonomic fit to prevent hand fatigue. It has a tear-resistant, textured waterproof palm and is available in HiVis Lime. Sold by the dozen.
- Brushed string-knit acrylic shell
- Crinkle finish latex palm coating
- Pre-curved, ergonomic fit
- Sold by the dozen
Size Chart
- Sold by the dozen
- Crinkle finish latex palm coating
- Pre-curved, ergonomic fit
The HiVis Ergo Glove is a lightweight string knit glove with a pre-curved, ergonomic fit to prevent hand fatigue. It has a tear-resistant, textured waterproof palm and is available in HiVis Lime. Sold by the dozen.
- Brushed string-knit acrylic shell
- Crinkle finish latex palm coating
- Pre-curved, ergonomic fit
- Sold by the dozen